Play for free against human opponents or pay entry fees and win real money in Mah Jongg!
The perfect online mahjong: Clear the symbol tiles with a steady hand and a sharp eye to free the Dragon Seal!
Here, you always play against real human opponents, whether you are playing for fun or for money. Therefore you'll need good tactics in order to beat your opponents in the online mahjong game. With a little skill, you can turn your abilities into cash by paying an entry fee, clearing mahjong tiles, surpassing your fellow players, and winning real cash!
Step 1: Find 2 matching symbols which do not have another tile on top of them, and which are not blocked by other tiles on the left or right. Keep an eye on the number of moves you have left. Use a hint to see possible moves - but remember you will lose 200 points for every hint you use.
Step 2: Clear all the tiles before the time runs out. If you run out of possible moves, the tiles will be reshuffled. Some symbol pairs appear more than once. Clear several pairs with the same symbol in a row to earn bonus points.
Warning! In the 3rd level there are pairs which belong together because they have the same theme, even though they are not identical - flowers, for example. If the last two matching bricks are on top of one another, you cannot complete the game.
By the way: You can take part in tournaments several times. Your skill alone determines the outcome of the game.
Hint: Some symbols appear in more than one pair. Clear the tiles from the highest stacks and the longest rows first.
Controls: mouse
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Skill level
Shows how strong your opponents are
Mah Jongg
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Play for free against human opponents or pay entry fees and win real money in Mah Jongg!
The perfect online mahjong: Clear the symbol tiles with a steady hand and a sharp eye to free the Dragon Seal!
Here, you always play against real human opponents, whether you are playing for fun or for money. Therefore you'll need good tactics in order to beat your opponents in the online mahjong game. With a little skill, you can turn your abilities into cash by paying an entry fee, clearing mahjong tiles, surpassing your fellow players, and winning real cash!
Step 1: Find 2 matching symbols which do not have another tile on top of them, and which are not blocked by other tiles on the left or right. Keep an eye on the number of moves you have left. Use a hint to see possible moves - but remember you will lose 200 points for every hint you use.
Step 2: Clear all the tiles before the time runs out. If you run out of possible moves, the tiles will be reshuffled. Some symbol pairs appear more than once. Clear several pairs with the same symbol in a row to earn bonus points.
Warning! In the 3rd level there are pairs which belong together because they have the same theme, even though they are not identical - flowers, for example. If the last two matching bricks are on top of one another, you cannot complete the game.
By the way: You can take part in tournaments several times. Your skill alone determines the outcome of the game.
Hint: Some symbols appear in more than one pair. Clear the tiles from the highest stacks and the longest rows first.

#{limbo} player(s) in game
In order to play free games, go back and select a game from the "Free" section.
You must play #{cgtp} more matches before you can bet more than 250TC.
Click "Next" to register for free.
In case of queries, feel free to contact our moderators at any time in 1-on-1 chat.
To do so, click on Contact under the Moderator in the player list.
Click "Next" to register for free.
In order to play for free, click on 'Free'.
Entry fee: TC #{bet}
Games: #{maxPlayer}
Game skill: #{skill}
Experience points: #{experience}
Entry fee: TC #{bet}
Players: #{maxPlayer}
Game skill: #{skill}
#{addText}: #{add_param}
Experience points: #{experience}
Participation fee: #{participationFee} TC
Games: #{numGames}
Skill level: #{skill}
You don't have to play all #{numGames} direktly after each other, take your #{endTimeStr} minutes.
Do you want to cancel the tournament rally right now?
Achtung: If you do so, your current results will be used in this tournament.
#{euro} TC will immediately be deducted from your game account when the game starts.
Click on NEXT and you're ready to begin!
Das Spiel wurde aufgrund einer schlechten Internetverbindung unterbrochen. Der Gegner wartet noch #{reconnectTime}. Danach wird das Spiel für Sie als verloren gewertet.
Really exit #{gameMode}?
Version #{fpMinVersion} or higher is required to start the game.
You may download an updated Flash Player here.
Good luck.
Any Premium Player can take part in a Jackpot. There can be an unlimited amount of participants.
The prize money increases with every new player who joins and is shared among several winners after the tournament ends. You can view the current distribution of winnings by clicking on the (i). You can tell when a Jackpot will end by checking the End of tournament column.
Depending on the Jackpot you are playing, you can take part once or several times. Only your best result is rated for your position in the rankings.
Spielen Sie morgen weiter oder werden Sie jetzt TopGamer!
Als Fungamer stehen Ihnen nur 100000 Spielrunden pro Tag zur Verfügung. Heute haben
Sie bereits 100000 Spielrunden gespielt.
Wollen Sie weiter unbegrenzt spielen, werden Sie jetzt TopGamer .
Sie haben Mah Jongg heute bereits 100000 mal ausprobiert und haben damit Ihre Probespiele als FunGamer aufgebraucht. Sie können Mah Jongg morgen erneut 100000 mal gratis testen oder sofort als TopGamer weiterspielen!
You can see your current position in the tournament below.
Possible winnings: #{win} Entry fee: #{bet}
invites you
Start date: #{startsOn}
Games for FunGamers are subject to a daily limit. Become a Premium Player in order to play all our games free of charge, without limitations, and for as long as you want.
To calculate your place, we delete your worst score and add all the other scores.
You can collect experience points (XP) in every match you play and thus increase your experience level. The XP you earn depend on the size of your bet.
Play against several real opponents simultaneously in a live tournament. Customize an individual tournament under „Create new game“, or join an open game. The highest-scoring player wins the tournament and collects all the winnings. In all tournaments, the conditions are the same for all participating players.
%H:%M hrs
Your last match was interrupted.
Your current score: points
By clicking NEXT you may resume this game now.
Die Verbindung zum Server wurde unterbrochen und der Gegner wartet. Tippen Sie auf WEITER um das Spiel fortzusetzen. Andernfalls wird das Spiel in #{reconnectTime} für Sie als verloren gewertet.
You have #{numGames} games in #{endTimeStr}. Your best #{numGamesMinusWorst} Scores will be addet.
Do your really want to participate in this Super-Tournament now?
#{minutesLeft} minutes left for #{numMatchesRemaining} games
#{minutesLeft} minutes left for one game.
you now have#{currentScoreInTournament} points. Below you can see the best resoults.
In this tournament you now have#{currentScoreInTournament} points. Below you can see the best resoults.
At the moment no moderator is present. Please leave a message, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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